Our Approach

Explore what makes Antelope Recovery different. We create personalized programs that cater specifically to the unique needs of families in crisis. By considering factors such as age, gender, financial and time constraints, as well as personal interests and preferences, we design individualized recovery plans to match and support our clients’ journeys towards healing.

Young teen girl in recovery
Teen completing virtual IOP program

Antelope Recovery specializes in virtual outpatient care (IOP) for teens grappling with various life challenges. Whether your child is failing out of school, abuses drugs, has attempted suicide, or is struggling to process a traumatic event, an IOP is ideal for teens who need more than one hour of therapy a week but do not need to go to a residential program.

Maybe your child doesn’t want to go therapy, or they’ve tried other forms of treatment such as 1:1 therapy sessions or medication, and they aren’t seeing a real improvement in their lives. If your child has a safe environment at home, our virtual IOP program gives your teen practice using therapeutic skills in real-life circumstances, igniting long-lasting transformation for your family.

Principles Guiding Our Program Design

Individualized care

At Antelope Recovery, we begin with comprehensive evaluations to thoroughly understand the unique needs of each family member involved. From these insights, we craft personalized programs that precisely target symptoms and enhance functioning. Our approach includes a blend of various services and evidence-based techniques, all aimed at achieving the goals set by both the adolescent and their family.

Family-focused care

We recognize that an adolescent’s struggles impact the entire family, not just the individual. Our treatment plans are designed to not only support the teen but also empower parents with the necessary resources and skills to aid their child’s recovery. We foster an environment that enhances communication and positive interactions within the family. Both parents and teens are integral partners in our treatment process, ensuring the best outcomes through collaborative effort.

Measurement-based care

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our use of continuous, systematic evaluation to measure treatment effectiveness. This method allows us to refine our strategies, shorten the duration of treatment, and enhance overall outcomes. We regularly collect feedback throughout the treatment process, sharing this data with both the adolescent and their parents. This open communication helps us reinforce successful approaches and adjust any aspects that may not be meeting the family’s needs.

Specializing in Your Teen’s Recovery

At Antelope Recovery, we are skilled in helping teens navigate a broad spectrum of mental health challenges. With a personalized and compassionate approach, our team of experienced professionals is committed to aiding your teen’s journey to health and happiness. Explore our key areas of focus below.

Your Family’s Recovery Roadmap

  1. Schedule an evaluation session
  2. Design a custom program
  3. Review and personalize
  4. Connect with current care providers
  5. Begin the healing process

Have Questions? Let’s Chat. 

Making the right decisions for your child can be hard. We’re here to help make it easier. Ask us anything! We’ll guide you in choosing the best path for your child’s recovery journey. 

Therapist comforts teen

Invest in the Best Care for Your Teen

Personalized Care icon

Personalized Care

We customize your teenager’s treatment plan and weekly schedule to ensure they are on the most effective path to recovery.  

Home Based Recovery icon

Home-Based Recovery

Our virtual IOP allows teens to practice therapeutic skills in the comfort of their own homes, integrating healing into their daily lives.

Experienced Providers icon

Experienced Providers

Our team brings years of expertise and understanding to every therapy session or group, ensuring your teen receives top-tier care.

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Continuous Improvement

We’re pioneers in the field of teen mental health, using data to drive innovation and enhance services for our clients. 

The Antelope Recovery Blog 

Tune into our blog for regular doses of valuable insights, actionable advice, and inspiring stories from our community.

Partner With Us for Your Teen’s Recovery 

Empower your teen and strengthen your family with our innovative and compassionate approach to recovery. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation now, and let’s begin your teen’s journey to recovery today.