Family Therapy

What is family therapy?

In family therapy, the family unit is the client. Family therapy focuses on identifying and examining interaction and communication patterns that are negatively impacting the family unit and the fulfillment of needs of one or more family members. Each family member will be expected to honestly examine their own interaction and communication styles, identify and express their own feelings, and make an attempt at experimenting with alternative methods of communicating and interacting.

Your family's customized treatment plan

Our recommendations for family treatment takes into account the family’s circumstances, structures, and dynamics. Parental involvement in treatment is paramount but can look a lot of different ways, including family therapy with just the parents, with the parents and the teen, with all family members, or a combination of these.

Goals of family therapy

Family therapy aims to unify family members by working together rather than against each other. The objectives include developing effective emergency plans, recognizing and building upon the family’s strengths, and fostering a sense of unity and collective well-being.

Strategies we create in family therapy

Just as with individual therapy, the work done in the session continues outside of the session. In family therapy, family members establish strategies for how conflicts and disagreements will be handled, practice ways of communicating needs to each other, and set up family rules and contracts that will guide teen’s and parents’ behaviors.

Partner With Us for Your Teen’s Recovery 

Empower your teen and strengthen your family with our innovative and compassionate approach to recovery. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation now, and let’s begin your teen’s journey to recovery today. 

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Invest in the Best Care for Your Teen

Personalized Care icon

Personalized Care

We customize your teenager’s treatment plan and weekly schedule to ensure they are on the most effective path to recovery.

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Home-Based Recovery

Our virtual IOP allows teens to practice therapeutic skills in the comfort of their own homes, integrating healing into their daily lives.

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Experienced Providers

Our team brings years of expertise and understanding to every therapy session or group, ensuring your teen receives top-tier care.

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Continuous Improvement

We’re pioneers in the field of teen mental health, using data to drive innovation and enhance services for our clients.