What providers working with teenagers need to know.

Most common mental health disorders have an onset in childhood or adolescence, with the peak incidence occurring during adolescence. The earlier the intervention, the more successful it will be! If we can get teens help early on, we can avoid the progression of mental illness. Prevention and early intervention are critical to deeply helping individuals with mental health challenges. 

Last year, 46,000 teens in Colorado who needed SUD treatment did not receive it.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth in Colorado.


17.05% of Colorado’s teens endure at least one major depressive episode within a year.

Over 1/4 of Colorado’s youth report not having an adult they can talk to if they are struggling.

Mental Health Screenings can support early intervention

About mental health screenings

A mental health screening is a way to catch mental health conditions early. If the screening shows signs of a disorder, more testing is usually needed to diagnose a specific mental health disorder. We recommend pediatricians screen annually for depression and anxiety in their teen clients. Using these screening tools may increase the effectiveness of identifying mental illness in your clients. (Please note: these assessments may only be conducted by a licensed healthcare professional, with some requiring specialized training):

Diagnostic Interviews

Diagnostic interviews are structured assessments that gather information about the teen’s symptoms and mental health history. Examples of diagnostic interviews include the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) or the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5).\\

Behavioral Assessments

Behavioral assessments gather information about the teen’s behavior and functioning in different settings, such as at home, at school, or with peers. Examples of behavioral assessments include the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC).

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive assessments measure the teen’s cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Examples of cognitive assessments include the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS).

Trauma Assessments

Trauma assessments evaluate whether the teen has experienced trauma and assess the impact of trauma on the teen’s mental health. Examples of trauma assessments include the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS) and the Trauma Symptom Inventory for Children (TSIC).

Substance Use Assessments

Substance use assessments evaluate the teen’s substance use and any related problems, such as withdrawal symptoms or legal issues. Examples of substance use assessments include the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) and the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) instrument.

Family Assessments

Family assessments gather information about the family’s history, relationships, and dynamics. Examples of family assessments include the Family Assessment Measure (FAM) and the Family Environment Scale (FES).

According to MOTT Children’s Hospital, 40% of parents struggle to tell the difference between teen depression and normal mood swings. To distinguish between normal mood swings, a clinician will examine three critical areas of concern: Intensity, duration, and domains in which intensity occurs.

If a teen has ongoing and intense symptoms, the best course of action is to access a comprehensive mental health assessment from a professional. Early diagnosis and early treatment dramatically improve clinical outcomes. 


Teen angst is:

  • Very specific
  • Stress-related
  • Often related to a realistic concern
  • Comes in waves
  • Brought on by insecurity
  • Temporarily disrupts life

Mental illness is:

  • Not very specific
  • Not related to any particular event
  • Persistent
  • Brought on regardless of self-esteem
  • Continuously disrupts daily activities

Normal teen experiences:

  • Struggling to make decisions
  • Feeling stuck
  • Confusing outside approval for self-worth
  • Feeling shame
  • Overthinking or worrying

Teen emotions:

It is developmentally appropriate for teens to experience emotions at a greater scale than any other age group. They are going through intense hormonal changes and do not have the prefrontal cortex development to process that intensity. Everything feels like a big deal to them because everything IS a big deal to them! 

Teen completing virtual IOP program

Criteria for medical stabilization

We recommend the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine guidelines for determining if your patient may need admission for medical stabilization. If your patient meets any of the criteria included here, please call your local children’s hospital, local detox center, or medical unit for a consultation. 

  • The client is not physically safe and cannot keep themselves safe without someone with them at all times.
  • The client is in active psychosis or experiencing delusions that significantly interfere with their ability to function and remain safe.
  • The client is actively suicidal (expressing plan and intent)
  • The client is actively homicidal (expressing plan and intent)

We use emergency rooms as a last resort. They are not often trauma-informed, are expensive, and usually cannot keep clients for any sustained period of time. They are good at providing emergency stabilization, but it is not permanent or a long-term solution. 

Language is important when talking with struggling teens and their families. Here are some guidelines for when you are working with struggling families.

Keep it simple

  • Use the least amount of words to make your point.
  • Have a routine. Make it easy for the teen to predict what will happen during your time together.


  • Do what you say you will do. 
  • If a teen breaks a rule, even if they are usually well-behaved, follow through on the consequence every time.
  • Teens will learn that what you say matters and will listen when you speak.

Consistently set context

  • Give clear expectations before you do any new activity.
  • Before making a transition, clarify what, how, why, and where something is happening.
  • Is there unstructured time? Let them know what the space should look and feel like during that time. 

Stay on their team

  • Make sure the teen knows you have their back. You are on their team. You are not against them. 
  • If you feel like you’re not on their team, reschedule or postpone your time with them.


Teens are still learning how to express themselves

They will need help in getting it all out. Here are some tips on how to support them.

Believe the teenager

When a teen says, “You don’t get it,” believe them. It is vital for a teen to feel seen. When they feel seen, they begin to trust that they can share honestly. This is important if they need help or find themselves in a scary situation. 

Keep it short & sweet

A good guideline with teenagers is to share about 1/2 of what you want to say with them. We don’t recommend you share your own opinions or boundaries until they have gotten it all out. While they are talking, repeat what you heard them say, using their exact words. This will help them know you are actually listening to them.

Ask non-judgemental questions

Ask teens if there is more they want to share. Use empathy skills such as “I imagine if I were you, I might feel___. Are you feeling anything like that?”

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • When considering therapy, think about the changes you hope to see or the outcomes you wish to achieve. Discuss these expectations with a mental health professional who can provide guidance and assess whether therapy could be beneficial for you or your teen. Successful therapy typically leads to noticeable improvements in how you or your child feel and function daily.

  • The goals of therapy are individualized and set collaboratively to ensure effectiveness. Common objectives include developing healthier habits, improving symptoms, enhancing relationship skills, and fostering a stable and positive self-image.

  • The duration and frequency of therapy sessions can vary widely depending on the individual’s psychological needs. Evidence-based therapies often produce noticeable improvements and significant symptom reduction within 12-16 weeks. However, some disorders and clinical conditions may require more extended periods of treatment for full resolution and improvement. Additionally, establishing a strong therapeutic relationship—a critical aspect of successful therapy with teens—may requires a greater number of sessions.

  • Therapy can be incredibly beneficial for teens. It offers a safe and private environment where they can discuss their issues with a trusted and non-judgmental professional. Through therapy, teens can explore new ways of thinking and problem-solving, and learn to express their emotions and needs more effectively, enhancing their relationships.

  • Interpersonal challenges can be caused by a variety of factors including developmental delays, environmental influences, family dynamics, and individual personality traits. Experiences such as bullying, trauma, or social exclusion can also contribute significantly. Genetics and neurobiology may play roles in how individuals process social information and respond to social stimuli. 

  • Treating interpersonal challenges in adolescents often involves more emphasis on developmental aspects, such as identity formation and peer relationships. Therapies are tailored to be age-appropriate and often involve the family or school environment. Adolescents may benefit from a more dynamic approach that includes group therapy with peers, which helps them develop social skills in a supportive setting. Early intervention is crucial and can include therapeutic techniques adapted for younger individuals to help them develop healthier relational and coping mechanisms.

  • We recommend you reach out to a trusted healthcare professional; whether that is us, your school counselor, school nurse, or your doctor. 

  • Interpersonal challenges are quite common among adolescents and are considered a normal part of development. However, when these challenges are severe, persistent, and unaddressed, they can lead to personality disorders. It’s important to recognize and intervene early to help manage these difficulties effectively.

  • We do not know what causes anxiety; however, several factors are associated with an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders. These include family genetics, certain personality traits, childhood adversities, being female, and lower household income.

  • Anxiety disorders affect about 15% to 20% of children and adolescents at some point. The most common diagnoses among young people are separation anxiety, social phobia, and specific phobias.