A Parent’s Guide to Teen Entitlement

Entitlement Behaviors Start Early Entitlement happens when the parents treat their child as an honored guest in their home, and they act as service providers rather than parents. As the years go by, this strips the child of the ability to act responsibly. These parents fail to set limits for behavior and fail to establish…

Teen Self-Concept: the secret to raising happy teens

Teens do not know who they are and are working like mad to figure it out. Adolescents are… Often, anytime a teen looks at themselves, something is wrong. They’ll ask “What does a normal teenager look like?” or “How would a normal teenager act right now” or “What should I be thinking about?”. These questions…

My teen is giving me the silent treatment. Help!

It is disorienting, as a parent, to go from your chatty child who tells you about every minute detail of their life to a distant teenager who doesn’t want anything to do with you. Sometimes, teens can take this to the extreme and give you the silent treatment. Teens give their parents the silent treatment…

A Parents Guide to Raising Responsible Teens

The goal of parenting teens is to create responsible adults who are equipped with tools that will enable them to make wise choices throughout life. Responsible teens feel good about themselves. The best way we can do this is by allowing teens to own their problems and the solutions to those problems. Teens who enter…

Which teen parenting style do you use?

Parenting teenagers can bring out the best and worst in us. Knowing which parenting style you tend to use when you’re upset, anxious, annoyed, or trying to cope with your teen growing up can be a game-changer. Which style do you use? Four styles of parenting 1. The Helicopter The helicopter parent makes a lot…