3 tips for supporting a teen who is experiencing a death

If a teen in your life is experiencing a death, here are three things you can do to support them. The teenage years are already inherently challenging for most people. When an unexpected life event happens, the impact can be especially challenging to process at this age. Know that this may be, and is likely…

What is Medication-Assisted Treatment?

Overdose deaths now claim more lives every year than car crashes. Over 100,000 lives were lost to overdoses last year – a 15% increase from the year before. Those overdoses are caused by opioids and the fact that most have not received life-saving recovery medication, which is the recommended standard of care. Research shows that…

Grounding teenagers does not work

We take a strong stance on grounding teenagers. On behalf of all our teens in our programs – parents- please stop grounding them! You don’t have to do it. Discipline can still work great without it. Grounding simply doesn’t make sense to teens. They don’t get it. It feels like senseless torture and often ends…

A parents guide to teen sexual assault prevention

Children are not responsible for abuse, including sexual assault! And neither are parents. However, as a parent, you are responsible for helping your child develop the skills they need for speaking up and getting out of a bad situation if and when those bad situations happen. When your child is 16, what consent skills would…

What you need to know about teens and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition that causes people to have excessive worry. Children and teens with GAD tend to stress over the same problems as their peers, but the feelings are more intense and lasting than the situation might call for. For example, most teens will worry about their grades, sports performance, social…

Value Testing: 4 Reasons Why Teens Say Outrageous Things

Teens love trying out a wide range of values and then seeing how the people around them respond. This is an essential part of teen self-concept building and is very developmentally appropriate. Often, teens love seeing their parents react to these new values negatively. Once the parents have a negative reaction, the teen will double…

How to talk to your teenager about substance use

Not all drugs are created equal and neither is all drug use. Substance use falls into three categories: Most teens experiment with substances at some point. However, of those who experiment, most will not go on to use or abuse drugs. How to set boundaries with your teen about substance use: When talking to your…

Group Therapy is Vital to Teen Mental Health

Teens need authentic connection. There is ongoing research on the importance of peer connection in preventing and treating mental illness. Loneliness is both a known cause and consequence of mental illness. So much so that loneliness is a risk factor for early mortality, surpassing obesity, smoking, and alcohol abuse. The good news is that relationships and…

Parents: What you need to know about teens and Discord

What is Discord? Launched in 2015, Discord is a digital space with millions of diverse communities. From small groups of old friends to huge servers with hundreds of thousands of people who connect over a shared interest. Discord isn’t a social media platform. There is no algorithm deciding what you should see, no endless scrolling,…

The parents guide to teen sexual health

Teen sexual health is often an uncomfortable topic for parents and teens alike. That is why we wrote this guide for parents on how to talk to their teens, celebrate important milestones, and minimize the cringy moments. Age-appropriate, evidence-based education about sex, sexual identity, and sexual health is key to lowering the risk of sexual…