A guide to behavioral telehealth in rural communities for rural providers

Behavioral telehealth is transforming the way rural communities navigate mental healthcare challenges. There are many immediate benefits of telehealth that result in expanding access and improving the quality of care. How telehealth improves access to care in rural communities Telehealth allows small rural hospitals and clinics to provide quality healthcare services locally and at lower…

Stigmas against mental health treatment

It would be easy to point to insufficient funding, discrimination towards people with mental health issues, and mismanagement of treatment centers as the biggest problems in mental healthcare today. However, inaccurate and superstitious beliefs about mental health treatment and treatment techniques may be an even bigger issue. Every year, widely held stigmas against various treatment…

6 ways to improve your family therapy sessions

When a teen is struggling, family resilience becomes even more essential. When differences and conflicts arise, families need to come together, work as a team, and overcome their challenges. However, too often, family relationships instead become strained beyond the members’ capacity to respond. When this happens, family therapy can help to bridge the communication gaps…

A Parent’s Guide to Teen Entitlement

Entitlement Behaviors Start Early Entitlement happens when the parents treat their child as an honored guest in their home, and they act as service providers rather than parents. As the years go by, this strips the child of the ability to act responsibly. These parents fail to set limits for behavior and fail to establish…

The Mental Health Diagnostic Failure

Problems with our current diagnostic system The current diagnostic system for mental disorders is documented in the DSMV, the diagnostic and statistical manual for researchers and clinicians. Currently, our diagnostic system for mental illnesses is based on symptom tracking. To receive a diagnosis, you must present with a specific set of symptoms, and clinicians will…

Teen Self-Concept: the secret to raising happy teens

Teens do not know who they are and are working like mad to figure it out. Adolescents are… Often, anytime a teen looks at themselves, something is wrong. They’ll ask “What does a normal teenager look like?” or “How would a normal teenager act right now” or “What should I be thinking about?”. These questions…

What you need to know about Fentanyl

What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid. Rapid teen overdose increases. Illegally made Fentanyl is the primary driver of the recent increase in all us overdose deaths. Fentanyl-involved deaths are the fastest growing among 14-23-year-olds. Fentanyl is involved in more deaths among people under 50 than any other cause of death, including accidents,…

My teen is giving me the silent treatment. Help!

It is disorienting, as a parent, to go from your chatty child who tells you about every minute detail of their life to a distant teenager who doesn’t want anything to do with you. Sometimes, teens can take this to the extreme and give you the silent treatment. Teens give their parents the silent treatment…

An overview of mental health treatment options

Three types of mental health treatment Mental health care has access to three different types of treatments that work: Medication, Therapies, and Rehab Services. A combination of all three of these options usually creates the best results for anyone struggling with mental illness. These mental health treatment options are important to understand if you or…

Does virtual therapy really work?

For many teens, the thought of sitting in a therapist’s office may sound excruciating. Pouring out their feelings to a stranger may feel like being asked to move mountains. And for you, the parent, dragging them across town to a session, waiting for an hour in the car, just to drive your eye-rolling teen back…